07 November 2011

Karma sucks

Battlefield GOTY Modern Warfare 3 is up to a rough start. 6000 copies where stolen from a truck.

- Oh no -

TFI news reports that the truck that was transporting the precious cargo suffered a collision with a car on saturday morning in Créteil, south Paris, before two masked individuals emerged.

The criminals reportedly used tear gas to neutralise the truck drivers before hopping in and making off with the video game shipment said to be worth 400,000 Euros.

- Damn son -

"The criminals are then mounted in the van and fled."

(Source) lol google translate

3 comentários:

Anonymous said...

Love BF! Sick that they stole so much copies! Nice pics btw :D

Anonymous said...

Oh wow! Some people just over do it to get their copies!

_Zyx_ said...

Over do? Ramming a car against a van and using smoke grenades? I thought that was standard stuff O_o

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