24 January 2012

GameStop changes tactics

Recently GameStop decided to close all of their stores located on Northern Ireland.


There where only 3...

That alone isn't the main topic here.

GameStop says that this closure is part of a plan that involves leaving the UK interely.

-I'm out-

They say that "... we have experienced tremendous sales growth on our UK ecommerce site..."

So they are focusing more on the online sales.

That of course doesn't surprise. After seeing Game Group shares fall the truth is the physical sales of games in stores isn't exactly a booming business. 

With Steam dominating the computer sales and online stores selling the games cheaper, companies are avoiding costs like the rental of the spaces needed for a store and dedicating themselfs to the online front.

Good for them I say. Good for them.

1 comentários:

Polintar said...

They are pulling out from other countries also

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